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Centre for Disaster and Military Psychiatry

Welcome to the Centre - FZKWP

The Centre is a joint project of the University of Zurich and the federal Project of the Swiss Academy for Military and Disaster Medicine, SAMK. It is financed by the Swiss Confederation.

Within the framework of our activities, we wish to contribute to the prevention and the processing of psychological problems which can result from disasters.

Furthermore the Centre provides you - currently in German only - with online self-tests on Burn-out.

Weiterführende Informationen

Centre for Disaster and Military Psychiatry

University of Zurich
Alleestrasse 61
CH-8462 Rheinau

Phone: +41 (0)78 801 45 14
Fax: +41 (0)52 304 93 90


Schweizerische Integrierte Akademie für Militär- und Katastrophenmedizin